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See what people are Saying!

Gosh I love this! I feel both sexy and comfortable in my new robe. I am already thinking of what I want to order next! The color is beautiful, and the service was honestly absolutely wonderful!
—Candice McCloud​

This robe fits exactly as expected and is the perfect length. The embroidery is gorgeous and the drape of the fabric is great. I really appreciated the hand-written note packaged along with my order.

​ Ellectives made me a custom robe with a beautiful white & purple floral print. The fabric is very soft & the cut of the robe fits me well. It's my "Rachel Robe," after Rachel Green's robe in "Friends." I would definitely buy a robe made by Ellectives again. It makes me feel beautiful & relaxed, isn't that what we all want in a robe? ​
—Katy Smith 

Lovely. I will be wearing this one a lot this summer. It’s light, airy, and easy. Perfect for nasty illinois weather. Bring on the humidity!
—Kara ​

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